Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I think reading is very important...I usually read Mr Midnight.Me?It depends on my mood wether I want to read or not...I read is to improve my English because my English is very bad...By the way,is the wether word spelled correctly?They will keep talking about the game game game and then they don care their study and this is why computer games may effect your study...Sorry Miss Guo you also know that my English is very bad thats why I used so many and and and.. Sorry!!! T_T I suggest they may create some nice and interesting book and also create a lot of series so that they will keep on buying and also keep on reading and that makes them read...This question is sure difficult...must really answer?...Cannot leh when I grow up then i tell u Miss Guo, if I still know you(please don grow too old Miss guo or I might even regonise you) just joking...Sorry of what I said... I think I will create my book of Mr Midnight of Joshua Teo 2008 Of Miss Guo... Mua ha ha ha ha ha...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Term 3 Week 10:Computer Games

Of course,computer to me its very important because I need to play games to level up and do your blog.www.viwawa.com is the game website that I everyday play.The game is very fun and when I sit on the chair and play this game,I will play for a few hours.Thats of course some people say that they must have computer or they will be bored to death.Each day about 6 to 8 hours.No.As long as you continue to study hard,I don think there will be problem.I will just wish that the computer is spoilt!!!!

Term 3 Week 9:Olympic Games

But first,wat is origin????????????Oh my god I am going mad...Maybe its because they wanted to let all the people have a chance to fulfil their dreams.Got but not so interested because some sports are quite boring...A person from Kenya running 2 hours and not tired and even got gold!!!!Never!!!No I think its a waste of time...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Term 3 Week 8:National Day

National day means celebrating singapores birthday.Because is important.It was quite boring...Very nice.......Make the show more interesting and not boring.... ^^

Term 3 Week 7:Copyright

Copyright means the things people create and you are not suppose to take that thing without permission.Whats............resouses??????o.O People might thought that is your work and copy and copy and you can charge to jail. You should ask for permission.You can charge to jail or get fined.Never and hope not because I don know what to do.See the end of each thing see wheter is copyright or not.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Term 3 Week 5:Sleepy Kids

I sleep about 8 hours a day.Exept holiday i only sleep 3 to 4 hours because I play computer until morning.Yes I think I got enough sleep everyday.I sleep early and make sure that I wake up early.Ya man of course!!!!!M0rning get ready to go to school afternoon after school do tuition and school homework.At night play computer.Sleep early!!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Term 3 Week 4:Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying eventually is just people bullying others.They hit,punch or slap the person heis bullying.They might have joined some gangster student andthey threaten tht bully to bully others.Like my brother, he looks like a gangster,at likea gangster and everytime bully me by boxing me slapping me punching me and pinch me.Look at me Miss Guo,how unlucky I am...>.< Just ask them to stop and tell them that cyberbullyingis only for fools.Er.........actually........... nope!Nothing because its only wasting our breath and saliva telling them!!!! Hahahaha!!!!^)^!

The Right Use of 999

I propably think that they are bored and nothing to do,brain and hands all itchy and thats why police receive a lot of prank calls from other people.When someone robbed you or abuse someone youcan call police.When your rulermissingor money mising then you should not call the police as it is nothing serious.When thepolice receive prank calls, other real cases will be delayed.We must think wheter it is a serious case or not.No.I suggest they askquestionsdue towhy all police for fun,fine them and cane them 20 times.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Term 3 Week 2 : Netiquette

Chat politely and dont use vulgar words.It will not hurt people and save trouble for yourselve.They pretended to be someone else and ask people about something not proper.They are talking about dirty things and I think this act is terrible horrible vegetable.SPEAK POLITELY!!!!!

PE Attire

It is for us to have more time for recess.We have even more time for recess then usual.Our clothes might be smelly when during class because we sweat a lot during PE.It is smelly and our body will be dirty and sticky but I like it.It is a good idea because it help us saves lots of time and so we have a lot of time having recess.Dun no!!!! Hahahahah!!! I suggest just the same way as usual.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Miss Guo asking what will us be when we grow up...

Propably i wanted to be a teacher when I grow up propably...When I am teaching I try not to be fierce to the children and be patient with them like you Miss Guo a good teacher of mine of P5...But...too bad Miss Guo you lose to Madam Maryati that is my P4 teacher.At first Madam Maryati said that there are a few peoples that is not going to P5.6 and one of them is me...All of my friends are quite disppointed and I am also quite sad that I will be leaving them and when SA2 is finished , we cant play UNO together like we did last year...I will study hard and get good results end of this year and next year which is already PSLE!If I acheive good results I have a very high chance of acheiving my goal!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Personal Response 5 : Earthquakes

The vocano eruption causes the earthquakes to happen.They have to quickly run away from high buildings.I don think so.In china this recently and its quite big.I don think mI know.Maybe they are unlucky.No.Singapore is a safe country.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reflection 5: My Mother

In think mother's day is a very special day to let us show our thanks to our mother.I bought a present for her.I have a very good relationship with my mother.When I am in trouble my mother was always there for.She will cheer me up if I am sad.I hope my mother will take leave or the boss giving her off to spent more time with me.Usually when she work,she will work until over midnight like until 1am.Yes of course.Mother is the one who take care of us and she suffers a lot to giving birth to us.When I grow up, I will try to let her relax by leting her go overseas because when I am young she had to work so hardly to take care of me.

Personal Response 4 : Child Safety Belt in School Bus

I did not take the school bus.I don know because i do not take the school bus.Yes.School bus should have safety belt or there might be an accident.There might be accident on the way and it can cause very serous harm.The person might even DIE!!!Make sure that they sit properly and put the sit belt on and do not move about or run about when the school bus is moving.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yes I do eat in the school canteen or else I will be hungry to death.I like stall no.4 because I like the noodles there.Yes it is not gassy and they if sell gassy drinks it will be very bad for our body.Actually......eh......I don know......Crackers......Salad......All the foods there are healthy and the place there CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Personal Response 3 : Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand foot mouth disease is a disease that is very serious.You can tell by seeing wheter he or she has any synthems.No.Because we may not be very careful and will get it anytime.We must be very hygenic.Nope and I do not want anyone to have any hfmd.By getting near them.BE HYGENIC.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reflection 3: Friendship

Friendship is about helping each other and learning from each other.If you don have a friend you will feel lonely and might even want to kill yourself!So far my best friend is Liang En.He helps me when I am in trouble and he will ask the person to SHUT UP when somebody call me names or say me fat pig.He is a friend that I will not forget!

Personal Response 2 : Courtesy

Courtesy means to be polite and courtesy also means courtesy.Kong Rong Rang Li becanse he is sensible and has courtesy.There is no pupil in our in our class that is courteous.Some of our pupils is not polite to my teacher and when his friend ask him question politely he will answer back roughly.We can treat them nicely and politely and will be very friendly.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Reflection 2: My Dream

My dream was to become millionare when I grow up.So that I can buy whatever I want.I will study hard for my study.I think people should have dreams because everyone should have a target what they want to be when they grow up.

Personal Response 1 : Racial Harmony

I felt that it is great to be friends with different people of languages.If we laugh at other people languages and only friend the people with the same languages as you said,whats the good use?I think that Rajah was right not to laugh at people who have different languages as us!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Reflection 1 : Looking Forward

I got 23 marks for English,35 for Maths,40 forChinese and 33 for Science.I tried my very very best.I felt a little sad and a little happy.I concentrate carefully and try to think what my teacher had thought me.I did well for my Chinese and bad for my English and by the way I don even why.I will read lots of book and listen carefully to my teacher.