Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I think reading is very important...I usually read Mr Midnight.Me?It depends on my mood wether I want to read or not...I read is to improve my English because my English is very bad...By the way,is the wether word spelled correctly?They will keep talking about the game game game and then they don care their study and this is why computer games may effect your study...Sorry Miss Guo you also know that my English is very bad thats why I used so many and and and.. Sorry!!! T_T I suggest they may create some nice and interesting book and also create a lot of series so that they will keep on buying and also keep on reading and that makes them read...This question is sure difficult...must really answer?...Cannot leh when I grow up then i tell u Miss Guo, if I still know you(please don grow too old Miss guo or I might even regonise you) just joking...Sorry of what I said... I think I will create my book of Mr Midnight of Joshua Teo 2008 Of Miss Guo... Mua ha ha ha ha ha...

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